Monday, November 12, 2012

Kirinas Closet

I have decided to start a blog about something that I just love and adore. Dressing my little girl up! As many of you moms out there, im sure you want to dress your little ones up all adorable without looking to much like a "baby" and as many of you who knows me, I love to make sure my little girl is looking great always and not to little kid like. As a stay at home mom we are only getting one income coming in, so I have to find a way to dress my little girl up all cute and still stay on a budget. I try my hardest to find the best deals and sales I can. I make sure to get email alerts for every sale for every store that I shop at for the both of us. I will be posting at least once to twice a week for now and slowly work my way up to more post per week. I will do some dressy outfits and some stay at home comfy outfits. I will tell you where I get each item of clothing.  I really hope that this will help all you moms with dressing your little ones up all cute and still staying on a budget :) ENJOY

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