Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 16

I love love love OLD NAVY. I think most of Kirinas Clothes are from there.
It was a bit chilly today, so I dressed Kirina up in a Old Navy corduroy dress. It has red flowers all over it with some green leaves and some brown as well. Her Vest is also from Old Navy and I saw it on a manikin with a different dress on, and thought it would look adorable with this one as well. Her Leggings are from THE CHILDREN'S PLACE and her Boots are from CRAZY 8
Dress From OLD NAVY $15.00
Vest From OLD NAVy $10.00
Leggings From THE CHILDRENS PLACE $4.00
Boots From CRAZY 8 $12.00
Total $41.00
This seems EXPENSIVE, but the dress can be worn all winter long same with vest and boots.

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